Friday, November 21, 2008

i got lost today.. after about 5 months first time being lost.

luckily i got out okay.

but man. scaryyy

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

mrs. president

me and the president of argentina

presenting awards
too good not to blog about this.... i met the president of argentina today! and gave her the typical argentine saludo (a kiss on the cheek.) whahooo working my way into international politics. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

until I return...

So. My blog has gone… to the dogs. I think for the last month I am going to lay off the blog entries and focus in on my experience...and the other paper I just found out I had to write....oh argentina. Lots of love to all of you who have been reading.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Nov. 1-2
Our weekend was fantastic! Stefy (my host sister), Alejandro (host sisters boyfriend), emery (techniquelly my niece here with the family situation. Her host dad is the son of my host parents) left early Saturday morning for chascumus. It was about a 3 hour ride but we drank mate and chatted. When we arrived we got a remise to Estancia Juanita. We pull into a long road covered in trees, at the end you can see a building in the estancia. Awesome. We were the only ones staying there. It was like we were guests at this persons beautiful house. there was a pool, and it was right on the lagoon. We just left our doors open and relaxed, and ate. First meal was asado (an argentine tradition). We all rolled away from that meal only to find they never stopped feeding us. We all went horse back riding (to let our food settle..ha). came back and it was time for the merienda (afternoon tea). After that we relaxed played more cards, read, studied (some of us…not me. Ugh ha.). then it was time for dinner. The dinner was really fancy and we ate gnoccis. Stefy and I got up really early to see the sun rise but it was cloudy and windy so we watched a bit from the window then went back to sleep. We woke up and ate a breakfast of toastados. Lounged around a bit more, played some cards, ate more asado for lunch then went on another horseback ride. This time it was only me and emery and facundo---the others had enough and couldn’t barely walk. It was all going well until I agreed to gallop. Ha. I didn’t understand that galloping was running. And my horse took off…and so I did I. one leg slipped out of the stirrup…and I started sliding…all the while galloping. Luckily I got some help before I slid all the way off. The funny part was I didn’t really feel like I was going to fall…but supposedly it looked very dangerous and both emery and facundo got a scare. Ha. Oops. Came back ate more merienda and then said our goodbyes and headed on our way. The bus was late to go back to Buenos aires and I learned about another problem here in argentina. Sometimes on the buses they sell more seats than there are, and then people don’t have seats. Luckily we all got seats, but some people were pretty angry about not having their specific seat. Bad system. Got a lot of sun, and now I have doubly sore legs from the horse. But I am content. Until I have to take my test I have hardly studied for tomorrow. Ew.

Oct. 30-31
Getting behind on my blogging. I might start only blogging about important things… since I feel like my days are getting less and less interesting…but more and more busy.
Didn’t celebrate Halloween. Que mala soy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008